How to use Adopted in a sentence

10+ sentence examples found: 1. Lilly is likely to get a new surname when she is officially adopted by her foster parents.2. Despite the harsh reviews of the critics, Kathy adopted a pretense of bravado as she told the cast the play would go on as planned.

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Adopted in Sentence Examples

1. Lilly is likely to get a new surname when she is officially adopted by her foster parents.

2. Despite the harsh reviews of the critics, Kathy adopted a pretense of bravado as she told the cast the play would go on as planned.

3. The preference is for children to be adopted quickly so they will have continuity in their lives.

4. The study results are classified based on criteria adopted by the health department.

5. The company adopted a fraternal association to mentor.

6. If the police adopted a laissez-faire attitude and allowed people to do whatever they wanted, the city would be in chaos.

7. When it came to arguments between the siblings, their mother often adopted neutrality which forced them to resolve their own issues.

8. Jane hoped to establish a rapport with her adopted daughter that would allow them to build a loving relationship.

9. Elizabeth couldn’t wait until her daughter’s parenthood would begin when the adopted child was handed over to her.

10. After the Caucasian couple adopted an Asian girl and an African American boy, this multiracial family moved to South Carolina.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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