How to use Accurate in a sentence

10+ sentence examples found: 1. The more expensive pedometer was more accurate in measuring the steps taken in the hike.2. To ensure your paycheck arrives promptly, make sure you provide the agency with your accurate address.

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Accurate in Sentence Examples

1. The more expensive pedometer was more accurate in measuring the steps taken in the hike.

2. To ensure your paycheck arrives promptly, make sure you provide the agency with your accurate address.

3. Because the thermometer is running on old batteries, it may not give you an accurate reading.

4. During the war, the commanding officer counted on accurate topography to help him choose the best battle locations.

5. Mom claims that an accurate view on life prevents anticlimactic results, as we would not overvalue things.

6. The attorney’s failure to relay accurate court date information led to the arrest of his client.

7. The clerk ensured all the records were accurate by double checking each file.

8. Either my bathroom scale is not accurate or I’m really fat.

9. Since you did not type in the accurate pin number, you cannot withdraw funds from the ATM.

10. Your grades in school are viewed as a telltale indicator of your overall knowledge, even though it is not always an accurate indicator of your potential.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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