How to use Abdicate in a sentence

10+ sentence examples found: 1. It is obvious from the bad behavior of these children that their parents have chosen to abdicate their jobs as good role models.2. On her ninetieth birthday, the queen will abdicate her throne and let her oldest son become king.

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Abdicate in Sentence Examples

1. It is obvious from the bad behavior of these children that their parents have chosen to abdicate their jobs as good role models.

2. On her ninetieth birthday, the queen will abdicate her throne and let her oldest son become king.

3. When his company’s stock price dropped under a dollar, the CEO decided to abdicate his title and leave the firm.

4. Angry at her husband, the wife decided to abdicate her household position of cook and cleaner for a whole week.

5. Because the mother chose to abdicate her role as a parent, her children have become the terrors of the neighborhood.

6. Because of a sex scandal, the president had no choice but to abdicate his office.

7. The young prince became king after his older brother decided to abdicate the throne.

8. Although my daughter is getting married to a wonderful man today, it is still very hard for me to abdicate my role as her protector.

9. Of course, it is easier to abdicate your responsibilities than to be a good citizen.

10. Since the dictator of that country will not simply abdicate his position, we must go to war to remove him from power.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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