How to use Abandon in a sentence

10+ sentence examples found: 1. Although she told him that she was already in a relationship with someone, Ethan refused to abandon his sedulous efforts to get a date with Felicia.2. Because the studios have myopia and will not abandon their old ways, they refuse to fund a film that does not have an A-List actor involved.

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Abandon in Sentence Examples

1. Although she told him that she was already in a relationship with someone, Ethan refused to abandon his sedulous efforts to get a date with Felicia.

2. Because the studios have myopia and will not abandon their old ways, they refuse to fund a film that does not have an A-List actor involved.

3. Because this plan is not feasible, we need to abandon it and come up with another one.

4. While James was in prison for theft, he became extremely religious and decided to abandon all of his temporal pursuits.

5. Carl rarely commits to anything so everyone expects him to abandon his fiancée at the altar.

6. Ned’s cowardice led him to abandon his comrades during the battle.

7. Although the manager tried to stipulate I work on religious holidays as a condition of employment, he realized I would not abandon my beliefs for a job.

8. Because Helen has the tendency to abandon morality when it suits her, she would not be a good Sunday school teacher.

9. Riley has decided to abandon modern appliances to live a recessive lifestyle like that of our country’s first settlers.

10. During the snow storm, many people made the decision to abandon their cars on the highway.

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