What is another word for 'drop'?

Synonyms for DROP: fall, driblet, bone, drop cloth, beadwork, cliff, off-white, free fall, pearl, dip, beading, ivory, astragal, bead, drop-off, drib, drop curtain, cutpurse, pin, crepuscule, surrender, twilight, spill, magnetic inclination, downslope, declivity, decline, pickpocket, declination, descent, inclination, autumn, evenfall, gloam, plunge, downfall, declension, magnetic dip, crepuscle, nightfall, dusk, angle of dip, gloaming, tumble, capitulation, falloff, lessening, falling off, decrease, slack, slump, unload, leave out, dribble, send packing, drop off, dismiss, drop down, sink, drip, degenerate, deteriorate, overleap, strike down, throw, cast, cut down, pretermit, put down, neglect, devolve, expend, send away, set down, flatten, swing, shake off, throw off, throw away, dangle, discharge, spend, overlook, knock off, fell, miss, cast off, shed, omit, settle, go down, lapse, slide down, go under, subside, pass, bury, fall off, snitch, hook, neutralise, fling off, shave, liquidate, neutralize, thieve, dash off, waste, do in, cop, toss off, scratch off, glom, fall back, drowse off, eject, fall behind, empty, exonerate, enter, offload, drop away, nod off, exculpate, doze off, destroy, land, muster out, fire, get down, unlade, lay, fall asleep, exhaust, place down, dispatch, demean, repose, go off, complete, bring down, write down, acquit, free, disgrace, recede, disembark, drift off, lose, release, dope off, expel, assoil, degrade, flake out, debark, fall away, record, clear, slip, take down, push down, pull down, mow, fly, slash, down, knock down, cut, cut out, trim back, trim, reduce, trim down, cut back, vanish, cancel, use, flatten out, swing out, get around, sway, swing over, sweep, ignore, brush aside, sack, give the axe, usher out, can, give the sack, discount, brush off, give notice, throw out, displace, dissolve, push aside, force out, terminate, disregard, slaver, drool, drivel, slabber, slobber, carry, filter, trickle, roam, project, flip, spue, redact, fuddle, drift, draw, have, hold, fling, hurl, slough, mold, rove, put, bedevil, roll, pour forth, befuddle, frame, moult, confound, vomit up, chuck out, mould, toss, throw up, contrive, retch, purge, give, discombobulate, tramp, toss away, disgorge, cat, thrust, stray, shake, exuviate, bewilder, fox, cast away, chuck, make, range, molt, vagabond, swan, toss out, ramble, cast aside, regurgitate, wander, vomit, hurtle, put away, escape from, spew, honk, dispose, cast out, regorge, switch, upchuck, be sick, discard, barf, confuse, sick, couch, bemuse, puke, vault, fail, dominate, look out over, leave off, lack, take out, exclude, look across, escape, overtop, command, except, look out on, return, fall under, give up, let go, throw down, ooze, emanate, distil, percolate, descend, faint, droop, globule, ear-ring, lower, depress, let down, let fall, leave, quit, forsake, desert, relinquish, abandon, forswear, give over, discontinue, intermit, remit, cease, desist from, break off, lay aside, bedrop, spot, speckle, variegate, fall in drops, fall suddenly, come to an end, come to nothing, coward, gout, pord, reduction, detach, drops, erase, collapse, falling, falls, dips, cowardly, downturn, straw, placement, chute, freefall, blob, droplet, glob, deepness, depth, dive, nosedive, abatement, decrement, dent, depletion, depression, diminishment, diminution, loss, shrinkage, step-down, advantage, better, bulge, catbird seat, edge, high ground, inside track, jump, pull, stead, upper hand, vantage, whip hand, crash, crater, nose-dive, plummet, skid, break, break up, cut off, desist (from), end, halt, lay off, pack (up or in), shut off, stop, lay off (of), abort, call, call off, cry off, recall, repeal, rescind, revoke, scrap, scrub, bear, birth, deliver, mother, produce, bowl (down or over), floor, knock over, level, mow (down), prostrate, distill, disburse, fork (over, out, or up), lay out, outlay, pay, shell out, advert (to), cite, instance, mention, name, note, notice, quote, refer (to), specify, touch (on or upon), abate, de-escalate, deplete, diminish, downscale, downsize, dwindle, ease, lessen, check out, conk (out), croak, decease, demise, depart, die, exit, expire, flatline, go, kick in, kick off, part, pass (on), pass away, peg out, perish, pop off, step out, succumb, etc.

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List of Synonyms for drop

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