What is another word for 'collapse'?

Synonyms for COLLAPSE: flop, prostration, crash, floating-point operation, dud, bust, washout, fizzle, clangour, clank, smash, clangoring, clangor, wreck, clash, clang, crack, consecrate, break away, give way, unwrap, devote, contribute, chip in, give out, split up, conk out, part, have, afford, hold, die, transgress, founder, weaken, crumple, bump, discover, snap off, turn over, go, demote, ease up, break out, separate, split, hand, gift, crack up, damp, render, move over, feed, pay, get out, fracture, relegate, bring out, violate, reveal, divulge, pause, let on, open, get around, interrupt, wear out, grant, establish, break-dance, stop, check, break up, breach, develop, fall flat, give, return, apply, present, better, cave in, make, offend, go bad, impart, generate, break off, disclose, erupt, give away, reach, recrudesce, tumble, break dance, go against, dampen, throw, fall in, soften, break in, let out, dedicate, ruin, fall apart, kick downstairs, burst, pass, break down, infract, fail, come apart, bankrupt, crumble, fall through, join, expose, break, crock up, discontinue, intermit, leave, yield, get together, commit, sacrifice, wear, kick in, pass on, crush, dissect, analyse, take apart, lose it, snap, decompose, analyze, topple, crease, buckle, rumple, twig, whirl, decay, cotton on, knit, get wise, whirl around, cockle, catch on, get onto, wrinkle, pucker, get it, latch on, dilapidate, crinkle, tip, bristle, break open, abound, explode, fragmentise, fragmentize, pick, break through, dismantle, recess, sever, cut off, fragment, disperse, disrupt, dissolve, disassemble, break apart, calve, dissipate, scatter, resolve, dispel, adjourn, falling together, falling in, exhaustion, extreme depression, fall together, meltdown, breakdown, break-up, disintegration, fall, cave-in, bankruptcy, demise, failure, collapsed, collapses, downfall, slump, sinking, subsidence, sinkhole, drop, breakup, landslide, decline, debacle, implosion, burnout, fatigue, frazzle, lassitude, tiredness, weariness, cropper, defeat, nonachievement, nonsuccess, cave (in), go out, implode, bomb, crater, flame out, flunk, fold, miss, strike out, tank, wash out, capsule, capsulize, compact, compress, condense, constrict, constringe, contract, narrow (down), squeeze, telescope, etc.

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List of Synonyms for collapse

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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