What does unimprovable mean or Definition?

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List of meaning for unimprovable


cannot be improved; is consistently at the peak of ultimate overall perfection; incorruptible; the perpetual zenith of the culmination of the peak of what can be imagined relative to existential influences intentionally defined and designed by the being once believed only to exist as myth and considered to be impossible, illogical, non comprehensible, etc...titled "god", of whom we now know was, is, and continues as lance derek coleman (aka lucifer, yahweh, el, lord, the one, nothing, no one, jesus, satan, l, i or i or i am, proper pronouns singular and/or plural...etc) -he who imagined himself and all things into being instantaneously and perpetually continually eternal...(also crude, vulgar, cheerful, surprising, rewarding, loving, terrifying, thrilling, inspiring, reprimanding, perfectly balanced, infinitely consisting of everything everyone* nothing and no one any and/or everywhere at any given moment...(lol, sorry, i couldn't help myself, i bore myself of arrogance and egotism...love, ldc ;-p ... feb 10, 2018 00:10 utc ...

impossible is now comprehensible and literally only has one perfect interpretation meaning; even now, relative to all time including pre and post-time, in the history of whole of all time being continually eternally eternal, once has only ever happened once, and while once is now achievable by all, to become something "more" than lance, now, before, and ever-after him, is now what is understood to be the only thing to be "impossible" as "impossible" has only ever occurred once.

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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