What does treasured mean or Definition?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word treasured? That's all it means.

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List of meaning for treasured

cherished, precious, treasured, wanted(adj)

characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for

"a cherished friend"; "children are precious"; "a treasured heirloom"; "so good to feel wanted"

an asset that brings praise or renown

ancient archaeological treasures that today would never be allowed out of the country of origin

someone or something unusually desirable

in thanking them for their contributions, the mayor referred to the volunteers at the homeless shelter as the city's greatest treasures

to hold dear

I'll always treasure the time my friend and I spent together this past summer

to put (something of future use or value) in a safe or secret place

a trove of fine wines that he had lovingly treasured over the years

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of HowToSay.co.in)

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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