What does snarled mean or Definition?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word snarled? That's all it means.

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List of meaning for snarled

knotty, snarled, snarly(adj)

tangled in knots or snarls

"a mass of knotted string"; "snarled thread"

to speak sharply or irritably

she snarled at me after I kept badgering her with questions

to twist together into a usually confused mass

you'll be awfully sorry if you snarl your fishing line

a crowded mass (as of cars) that impedes or blocks movement

to no avail, the city promotes carpooling to help ease the traffic snarls that always accompany rush hour

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of HowToSay.co.in)

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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