What does planning mean or Definition?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word planning? That's all it means.

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List of meaning for planning


an act of formulating a program for a definite course of action

"the planning was more fun than the trip itself"


the act or process of drawing up plans or layouts for some project or enterprise

planning, preparation, provision(noun)

the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening

"his planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties"

a method worked out in advance for achieving some objective

there is a contingency plan in the office for handling almost any emergency

something that one hopes or intends to accomplish

our plan is to finish up by next Friday

to work out the details of (something) in advance

we planned the school dance down to the smallest detail

to have in mind as a purpose or goal

I plan to have a party for my birthday, even if I have to throw it myself

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of HowToSay.co.in)

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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