What does monstrous mean or Definition?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word monstrous? That's all it means.

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List of meaning for monstrous

huge; enormous


abnormally large

atrocious, flagitious, grievous, monstrous(adj)

shockingly brutal or cruel

"murder is an atrocious crime"; "a grievous offense against morality"; "a grievous crime"; "no excess was too monstrous for them to commit"

grotesque, monstrous(adj)

distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous

"tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas"; "twisted into monstrous shapes"

badly or imperfectly formed

a monstrous melon that was clearly not fit to eat

extremely disturbing or repellent

the monstrous measures taken by the dictator against anyone who opposed his regime

unusually large

a monstrous tomato as big as a basketball

unpleasant to look at

some monstrous high-rises have begun to spoil that lovely residential neighborhood

to a great degree

a monstrous pretty gal, she was

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of HowToSay.co.in)

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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