What does loosely mean or Definition?

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List of meaning for loosely

loosely, slackly(adverb)

in a relaxed manner; not rigid

"his hands lay loosely"


in a loose manner

"a union of loosely federated states"

broadly, loosely, broadly speaking, generally(adverb)

without regard to specific details or exceptions

"he interprets the law broadly"


knitted in a loose manner

"loosely knit"

not tightly fastened, tied, or stretched

secure your neckerchief with a loose knot

consisting of particles that do not stick together

the car wheels slipped on the loose gravel in the driveway

not bound by rigid standards

we tend to be loose with the dress code when we aren't hosting clients at the office

not bound, confined, or detained by force

there was a brief panic when the lion got loose from its cage at the zoo

not precisely correct

a loose guess about the size of the crowd at the outdoor concert

having or showing lowered moral character or standards

the loose life that he led in the years before he settled down and found his path

to cause (a projectile) to be driven forward with force

the archers loosed a great volley of arrows at the foot soldiers charging towards them

to find emotional release for

do not loose your pent-up frustrations on the next person who happens by

to set free (as from slavery or confinement)

the ranchers loosed the horses from their stables and into the paddock

to set free (from a state of being held in check)

the storm loosed its full fury when it hit the coastline at high tide

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of HowToSay.co.in)

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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