What does designed mean or Definition?

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List of meaning for designed

planned or made something

designed, intentional(adj)

done or made or performed with purpose and intent

"style...is more than the deliberate and designed creation"- Havelock Ellis; "games designed for all ages"; "well-designed houses"

a method worked out in advance for achieving some objective

she always achieves her objective by design rather than by luck

a secret plan for accomplishing evil or unlawful ends

the thief had devised an elaborate design to get the invaluable artwork

something that one hopes or intends to accomplish

my design in writing to you is to ask for your support

a unit of decoration that is repeated all over something (as a fabric)

the curtains have a lovely floral design

the way in which the elements of something (as a work of art) are arranged

the design of the building's lobby encourages the free flow of traffic

to have in mind as a purpose or goal

early on she had designed to a top position in a major insurance company

to work out the details of (something) in advance

the foreman designed a better layout for the factory floor to improve efficiency

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of HowToSay.co.in)

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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