What does associate mean or Definition?

Looking for the meaning or definition of the word associate? That's all it means.

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List of meaning for associate

to connect things in one’s mind


a person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor

"he had to consult his associate before continuing"

companion, comrade, fellow, familiar, associate(noun)

a friend who is frequently in the company of another

"drinking companions"; "comrades in arms"


a person with subordinate membership in a society, institution, or commercial enterprise

"associates in the law firm bill at a lower rate than do partners"


any event that usually accompanies or is closely connected with another

"first was the lightning and then its thunderous associate"

associate degree, associate(adj)

a degree granted by a two-year college on successful completion of the undergraduates course of studies


having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status

"an associate member"; "an associate professor"

associate, tie in, relate, link, colligate, link up, connect(verb)

make a logical or causal connection

"I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind"; "colligate these facts"; "I cannot relate these events at all"

consort, associate, affiliate, assort(verb)

keep company with; hang out with

"He associates with strange people"; "She affiliates with her colleagues"

consociate, associate(verb)

bring or come into association or action

"The churches consociated to fight their dissolution"

a person frequently seen in the company of another

a number of his associates were members of organized crime, so he was a person of interest to the FBI

a fellow worker

my associates at the office

to come or be together as friends

a socially ambitious couple who joined the country club in order to associate with the right sort of people

to think of (something) in combination

she still associates Memorial Day with her long-ago fiancé, who died in Vietnam

to come together to form a single unit

the elements hydrogen and oxygen associate to form molecules of water

to form or enter into an association that furthers the interests of its members

nations deciding to associate in order to remove trade barriers

to take part in social activities

you should try to associate with people your own age

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Ravisankar Mayakrishnan (Author of HowToSay.co.in)

Ravisankar Mayakrishnan

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