How to use Vikings in a sentence

5+ sentence examples found: 1. Dead Vikings were sometimes cremated on a funeral pyre in a boat.2. The Vikings of Scandinavia were raiders and pillagers who carried out large-scale colonization in parts of Europe, establishing colonies and trade.

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Vikings in Sentence Examples

1. Dead Vikings were sometimes cremated on a funeral pyre in a boat.

2. The Vikings of Scandinavia were raiders and pillagers who carried out large-scale colonization in parts of Europe, establishing colonies and trade.

3. 3. The Vikings had a reputation for being merciless conquerors, and they were rapacious about taking away as much loot from their raids as their ships could carry.

4. The Vikings of old were noted by most for being especially ferocious, loving battle and the exhilaration of a fight.

5. The Vikings were known for their barbarism by raping, pillaging and murdering women and children in other countries.

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