How to pronounce Suspected, Meaning, Synonyms & phonetic transcription

Jan 23, 2024 👁️ 55 Views 🤍 Save

How do you say suspected in English? Pronunciation of suspected in English, a free online English pronunciation dictionary.

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Table of Contents

  • 1. How to pronounce suspected?
  • 2. How Suspected is Pronounced in Different Languages?
  • 3. Suspected Pronunciation: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • 4. Phonetic transcription for suspected
  • 5. Tips to improve your English pronunciation for suspected
  • 6. Practice and share the pronunciation of Suspected
  • 7. Suspected? in sign language
  • 8. Meaning for suspected?
  • 9. Synonyms for suspected?
  • 10. Antonyms for suspected?
  • 11. Translation for suspected?
  • 12. Suspected? in sentence
  • 13. Nicknames for suspected?
  • 14. Words related to suspected?
  • 15. Quotes and sayings containing the term suspected?
  • 16. contribute your voice pronunciation
  • 17. User Comments about word suspected?

How do you say suspected in English

Understand how to pronounce suspected correctly by listening to our two audio pronunciations. Click and hear the audio pronunciations repeatedly until you perfect the pronunciation of suspected.


Suspected Pronunciation

Pronounce Suspected as S UW S P EH K T EH D.

4 /5 1 voted !

How Suspected is Pronounced in Different Languages?

Voice pronunciations for suspected

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    Suspected Pronunciation: A Step-by-Step Guide

    ARPAbet Phonetic Pronunciation: S UH S P EH K T EH D

    S: S as in sun (S AH N)

    U: AH as in umbrella (AH M B R EH L AH)

    S: S as in sun (S AH N)

    P: P as in pen (P EH N)

    E: EH as in elephant (EH L AH F AH N T)

    C: K as in cat (K AE T)

    T: T as in tree (T R IY)

    E: EH as in elephant (EH L AH F AH N T)

    D: D as in dog (D AO G)

    ℹ️ from ARPAbet Pronunciation.

    Suspected phonetic transcription:

    When you start learning English, it's important to become familiar with the typical sounds of the language. The best way to do this is by studying phonetics. Below is the UK transcription for the word 'suspected'. Get the right phonetic representation for any word using our free Phonetic Transcription Tool.

    • Traditional IPA representation of suspected: /suspɛktɛd/
    • Modern IPA representation of suspected: /sʊspɛctɛd/

    Tips to improve your English pronunciation:

    Perfecting pronunciation, especially for specific words like "suspected," can be achieved with focused practice. Here are four tips to help you improve your pronunciation of "suspected":

    • Listen and Repeat: Listen carefully to native speakers pronouncing the word "suspected" in various contexts, such as conversations, videos, or audio recordings. Pay attention to the sounds and stress patterns. Then, practice repeating the word aloud, mimicking the native pronunciation as closely as possible.
    • Break it Down: Break the word "suspected" into its individual sounds or phonemes: /suspɛktɛd/. Practice pronouncing each sound separately and then blend them together smoothly.
    • Use Phonetic Symbols: Familiarize yourself with phonetic symbols, such as those from the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For "suspected," the phonetic transcription is /suspɛktɛd/. Understanding phonetic symbols can help you accurately represent and reproduce the sounds of English words.
    • Practice Regularly: Try recording yourself saying 'suspected' within complete sentences, then watch and listen to the playback. You'll quickly notice any mistakes you make.
    • Look up tutorials on Youtube on how to pronounce 'suspected'..

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    Suspected in sign language

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    List of meaning for suspected

    thought or believed that something was true


    believed likely

    "a suspected thief"; "a suspected infection"

    giving good reason for being doubted, questioned, or challenged

    since she was carrying no cash or credit cards, her claim to the store's detectives that she had intended to pay for the items was suspect

    to form an opinion from little or no evidence

    we suspected that the runaway was a little younger than the 16 she claimed to be—more like 13

    to have no trust or confidence in

    I suspected him from the moment he said he was an old friend of my sister's, since I probably would have heard about him

    suspected in sentence

    1. Napoleon was suspected of simony, as he was accused of selling church offices and roles to those who were willing to pay his price.

    2. Since everyone knows John hated his wife, no one is surprised he is suspected of complicity in her murder.

    3. The suspected witch’s head and hands were secured tightly in the pillory.

    4. The meddlesome old lady continued to call the police on us every time she suspected we were having any fun.

    5. Fire investigators suspected arson when they couldn’t find an electrical source for the fire.

    Nicknames for suspected

    Add a touch of flair to your profile name, statuses, and messages across popular social platforms like Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Facebook with these stylish text styles. Elevate your online presence with these unique and eye-catching variations, giving your posts and profile a personalized touch.

    Quotes and sayings containing the term suspected

    All the ships, including the ships from our friends, will be deployed with the main task of searching for bodies that are still or suspected to still be trapped underwater.

    Bambang Soelistyo

    Our preference when dealing with suspected terrorists is to capture, detain, debrief and prosecute them, but the fact is ... in some areas of the world, particularly in remote locations where extremists are hiding out, local authorities have limited capacity and, in some cases, limited will to go after these extremists.

    White House spokesman Josh Earnest

    Although the officer may have suspected that Ms. Dawson was intentionally non-compliant, he nonetheless fully executed his duty and responsibility, requesting that medical professionals continue to verify Ms. Dawson's health status.

    Mark Mallory

    Many investors have already extended their future contracts to next month, so today's futures settlement did not lead the index to fall, also we suspected the 'national team' has continued buying shares today to prevent the market from falling.

    Zhang Qi

    We have long suspected and have long known there was fraud in our industry, we didn't know the exact amount or the reasons why it was happening.

    Bob Liodice

    He suspected they were trying to plant a bomb in his car. But the Turkish police wrote a report and told him not to worry.

    Manhal Bareesh

    A suspected Boko Haram suicide bomber detonated IEDs (improvised explosive devices) at a mosque in Ajilari and some insurgents also threw IEDs at a viewing center, total casualty figure is now 54.

    Victor Isuku

    No one in town suspected that, everyone is kind of in shock about it.

    Jenny Cashman

    According to press reports, the Iranians themselves would also be responsible for photographs and environmental sampling of Parchin, a large military installation where nuclear work is suspected to have been conducted and may still be underway.

    Susan Collins

    People suspected that there was going to be some kind of a benefit and this study really is a major, major contribution, the authors really deserve a lot of credit for conducting a study that's large enough to be able to look at this idea.

    Jeff Griffiths

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